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The farm covers 12 acres of hilly soil at 100 m above the sea level cultivated with about 5000 olive trees of different age (some of them are even secular) and cultivars.

MAIN CULTIVARS: Leccino, Frantoio, Frangivento and Pendolino

The olives are manually picked from the trees between October and November and are cold ground within 24 hours from their harvest to obtain an extra virgin oil of high organoleptic properties.

The oil is stored in stainless steel tanks under nitrogen atmosphere and at controlled temperature so as to remain fresh and fragrant till the following olive oil production.

During the harvest we select the olives by quality obtaining two types of extra virgin olive oil:

– the plant of the Leccino variety, gives life to a sweet oil, delicate on the palate, suitable for seasoning fish, white meats and green salads;

– the plants of Corregiolo, Frantoio, Maurino, Coratina, instead mixed in the right quantity give rise to a fruity, tasty extra virgin olive oil, more suitable for seasoning legume soups and red meats.


+39 347 6582133

F.lli Frontali
Via Carpi 7/P - 47923 Rimini (RN)
mobile. 347-6582133

P.I. 04351640406 | Codice BIC: ICRAITRRRN0

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